Circular of Fujian Provincial People’s Government on the Nine Measures Concerning the Accelerated Development of Intelligent Manufacture

Minzheng [2015] No. 36
From:Fujian Provincial People’s Government Date:2017-09-06【Font:large regular

Excerpts: The enterprises are advocated to implement intelligent technology advancement with the support of digital control and smart devices. Fujian Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology will select a number of high growth enterprises, to which the provincial financial authorities will grant the equivalent of 5% of the investment in facilities pertaining to intelligent technology advancement, up to 2.5 million RMB each enterprise. For the provincial industry leaders engaged in intelligent technology advancement and the competitive enterprises building exemplary intelligent manufacturing factories (workshops), the provincial financial authorities will subsidize both for 8% of the investment in facilities, up to 10 million RMB each enterprise. The enterprises are encouraged to utilize in key areas smart devices and intelligent systems both direly needed by the province and counted among the top rankings nationwide. Fujian Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology will subsidize such enterprises for 30% of the procurement prices, up to 5 million RMB each enterprise.      

The government advocates putting in place the management system of the integration of informationization and industrialization. The enterprises are encouraged to implement the management system of integration of informationization and industrialization. The enterprises thus certified should be rewarded and recommended as preferred candidates for state-level exemplary experimental intelligent manufacturing bases. The provincial key projects of integration of informationization and industrialization should each be subsidized for no more than 5% of the investment in both software and hardware related to informationization over the past three years, with a cap of 2 million RMB each project. The abovementioned subsidies will be funded by the Provincial Industrial and Commercial Development Fund.   

Greater efforts should be made on the matchmaking of “three dimensional” projects and the attraction of renowned smart device manufacturers and industrial software enterprises. The leading smart device manufacturers first introduced to Fujian Province with the paid-in capital of 50 million RMB or above, counted among top five in the market segments of full suite production, key components, industrial software, etc. and equipped with pivotal technologies should be each entitled to headquarters policy support, namely, a nonrecurring bonus of no more than 5 million RMB awarded by the local financial authorities, calculated on their industrial level, contribution, etc. The manufacturers counted among top five globally, if introduced to Fujian Province for the first time, should be entitled to a nonrecurring bonus of no more than 10 million RMB. For any of the smart device manufacturers whose industrial output exceeds 200 million, 400 million and 1 billion RMB for the first time, the local financial authorities should reward the manufacturer in question for each breakthrough with 1 million RMB. In the event that a leading intelligent manufacturer with headquarters or branches in Fujian Province successfully acquires a technology enterprise outside the province, Fujian Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology should subsidize the manufacturer for 5% of the verified deal amount, up to 10 million RMB each case. The enterprises are advocated to invest in full suites of intelligent production facilities. The provincial financial authorities should subsidize the enterprises concerned for 10% of the fixed asset investment, up to 10 million RMB.

The enterprises are encouraged to purchase smart devices manufactured in the province for production line remodeling. Each of the enterprises having purchased such devices should be entitled to subsidies from the local financial authorities, which are calculated with differentiated percentages depending on the number of procured devices, namely, 20% of the invoice price (tax payment excluded) of each device for 10 devices or less, 15% for 11 through 50 devices and 10% for 51 through 100 devices. In the event that the enterprises included in the state-level exemplary experimental intelligent manufacturing bases have purchased 51 through 100 devices, the subsidies should be afforded by the local financial authorities and the provincial financial authorities, evenly divided. The abovementioned subsidies should be capped at 5 million RMB each enterprise. The smart device manufacturers above designated size are advocated to bid for projects outside the province. Each of the bids won by such enterprises, if valued at 10 million RMB or above, would render the winning enterprise eligible for an award from Fujian Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology amounting to 5% of the contract amount. In the event that the leading manufacturers of smart devices enable the entry of the small and medium enterprises of the province into a new supply chain or procurement arrangement, by means of division of labor, outsourcing, make-to-order production and so on, should be rewarded for 5% of the incremental contract amount of the year brought by successive procurement if the increment reaches or exceeds 10 million RMB or above. The bonuses for winning bids outside Fujian Province and generating successive procurement should be no more than 5 million RMB each case and no more than 8 million RMB each enterprise per annum. The selection of the industrial control systems pertaining to security concerns and pivotal projects, under the same condition, should attach priority to the sensors, smart instruments and other products manufactured by the enterprises of the province. The industrial associations of the province are advocated to organize device manufacturers to participate in the established specialized exhibitions both inside and outside China. If the abovementioned exhibitions are included in the annual exhibition plan made by the Department of Commerce of Fujian Province, the participating enterprises should receive subsidies to exhibition participation as per regulations.

The enterprises introducing smart devices through financial lease, barring the recipients of the subsidies for technology advancement, should be entitled to a nonrecurring grant equivalent to 2% of the combined costs of the leased facilities, up to 1 million RMB each enterprise.

In the event that the research and development expenditures borne by the smart device enterprises on new technologies, new products and new processes are included in current profits and losses instead of intangible assets, 50% super deduction should apply to the incurred research and development expenditures of the year. In the event that the abovementioned expenditures are included in intangible assets, such expenditures are eligible for a 150% pre-tax amortization over a period of no less than 10 years, unless otherwise stipulated by law. The local financial authorities should award such enterprises with an amount equivalent to 25% of the super deduction.
