Circular of General Office of Fujian Provincial People’s Government on the Six Measures Concerning Fostering High Growth Enterprises

Minzhengban [2015] No. 49
From:Fujian Provincial People’s Government Date:2017-09-06【Font:large regular

Excerpts: The high growth enterprises should be eligible for the favorable policies outlined in the official documents of the provincial government including Circular Concerning the Seven Measures on the Accelerated Development of Industry Leaders and the Promotion of Steady Industrial Growth (Minzheng [2014] No.18) and Circular Concerning the Ten Measures on the Promotion of Steady Industrial Innovation, Transformation and Growth (Minzheng [2015] No.1). The subsidies to the technology advancement programs should be no more than 5 million RMB each enterprise. The enterprises winning bids outside Fujian Province valued at more than 8 million RMB each should be eligible for the abovementioned favorable policies. So should the enterprises that enable the entry of the small and medium enterprises of the province into a new supply chain or procurement arrangement, which in turn brings about more than 8 million RMB of successive procurement.

The manufacturers making production facilities listed in Guidance Catalogue on Promotion and Application of First Installment of Key Technological Machinery and having paid for the coverage of comprehensive insurance on the first installment of key technological machinery should be recommended to the competent state authorities for the application of subsidies to the insurance fees. The manufacturers already subsidized for 80% of the paid insurance fee of the year from the competent state authorities should be granted subsidies equivalent to 20% of the paid insurance fee of the year, sustained by the Provincial Industrialization and Informationization Development Fund. The manufacturers meeting the criteria of the provincial provisions on first installment of key technological machinery should be granted subsidies equivalent to 50% of the paid insurance of the year, sustained by the Provincial Industrialization and Informationization Development Fund.

The enterprises first honored as state-level exemplary innovators, industrial design centers, exemplary quality manufacturers and exemplary intellectual property users should be awarded with nonrecurring bonuses of 800 thousand RMB each. The enterprises that have developed new products featuring proprietary intellectual properties and domestically superior technical accomplishments should be awarded nonrecurring bonuses by the provincial financial authorities, funded by the Provincial Special Fund for Industrialization and Informationization. The strategy of technical standardization should be conducted across the province. The enterprises leading the efforts of making international, national and industrial standards should be each awarded with nonrecurring bonuses of no more than 500 thousand, 300 thousand and 200 thousand RMB respectively, funded by the Standardization Special Fund under Fujian Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.
