Fujian Province Enables E-Port Legal Entity Card Production and Issuance Across Different Customs Territories

From:Fujian Investment Promotion Center Date:2024-07-05【Font:large regular

Recently, at the electronic port service window of the China E-Port Data Center Fuzhou Branch, Quanzhou Huanyanxing Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd., registered in Quanzhou under the jurisdiction of Xiamen Customs, successfully applied for and obtained the e-port legal entity card through the cross-customs-territory service mode. This marks that Fujian officially allows for the production and issuance of e-port legal entity cards across different customs territories.

Report has it that this cross-territory service mode breaks the barrier that prevents enterprises registered in different direct customs territories from receiving services locally. Now, instead of going back to their places of resignation, enterprises can apply for and receive legal entity cards at the place of operation, thereby reducing "time costs" and "foot costs" and offering down-to-earth benefits to foreign trade companies.

"We are a Quanzhou-based foreign trade company registered in Quanzhou and operating business in Fuzhou. This new mode saves us a lot of time and manpower spent on traveling back and forth. It's really convenient. Even the replacement of the operator card in case of staff turnover can now be handled locally." the head of the Quanzhou Huanyanxing Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd. stated.

Report has it that this new service mode across customs territories is a concrete measure initiated by the GAC China E-Port Data Center to facilitate information services for enterprises, with the Fuzhou branch and the Xiamen branch of China E-Port Data Center designated as the pilot units. Under the unified deployment and full support of China E-Port Data Center, both branch units successfully leveled the ground for the business processes and service standards of e-port services across customs territories by diligently carrying out relevant work, making careful preparations, and realizing solid progress. By August, the new service mode will be expected to cover all customs territories across China, allowing all import and export companies across the country to apply for e-port admission or add new operators at the China E-Port Data Center Fuzhou Branch.

According to Huang Chuangong, Director of the China E-Port Data Center Fuzhou Branch, in the next step, the data center will leverage this new cross-territory service mode as an opportunity to continuously improve the business environment of ports. Combining the "Intelligent Customs for A Strong Nation" initiative and relying on information-based means, the center will further enhance administrative efficiency, streamline service channels, facilitate trades of enterprises, and provide better services to promote the high-quality development of Fujian's export-oriented economy.
