23 Major Provincial Sci-Tech Projects Receive Government Grants

From:Fujian International Investment Promotion Center Date:2022-12-14【Font:large regular

To help solve major and common technical hurdles that key industries and projects are facing, as well as to facilitate the commercialization of scientific research and discoveries, the financial authorities of Fujian continue to provide exclusive subsidies for major provincial sci-tech projects this year, with 23 of them having received financial aid so far, according to the Department of Finance of Fujian.

These projects cover a range of fields of strategic importance, which include new materials, new energy and energy-saving technology, key technology used in next-generation artificial intelligence and blockchain, intelligent manufacturing products and systems, pharmaceuticals, environmental protection and governance, comprehensive utilization of resources, integrated circuits, and 5G communication.

Apart from such financial aid, the province’s financial authorities have additionally set aside special funds for incentivizing competent research teams to claim challenging sci-tech projects or join research competitions. This is open to both Chinese and international research teams. The aim is to help overcome major technical challenges and commercialize scientific research with the help of the best resources.
