Excerpts: In accordance with the provincial guidance on industrial restructuring and performance improvement, a tiered pricing policy should be implemented on electricity consumption. The enterprises whose power consumption per unit of product exceeds the limit by more than 100% should be charged an additional 0.2 RMB per kilowatt-hour. The enterprises whose power consumption per unit of product exceeds the limit by no more than 100% should be charged an additional 0.05 RMB per kilowatt-hour. If the abovementioned enterprises meet the criteria of green upgrades within two years, they should be fully refunded for the cumulative additional charges. The electricity consumed by obsolete and discouraged facilities should be charged an additional 0.3 RMB and 0.1 RMB per kilowatt-hour respectively. For the coal power plants, the pricing policy that compensates desulfuration, denitration and dedusting in power generation should be imposed with rigidity. The coal power plants are encouraged to upgrade their facilities for environmental purposes. A pilot program of trade in energy conservation should be set in motion. The enterprises that achieve the goal of energy saving should fully retain the earnings from the compensable transfer of their surplus quotas on energy conservation. The enterprises unable to achieve the goal of energy saving should fulfil the gap by purchasing quotas on energy conservation. The enterprises refusing to conduct the trade in energy conservation should be charged an additional 0.05 RMB per kilowatt-hour for their electricity consumption in production.
The enterprises are advocated to implement technology advancement programs including equipment replacement, technology industrialization, product upgrades and emerging sector development. The provincial financial authorities will subsidize such enterprises for 5% of the investment in facilities pertaining to the technology advancement programs, up to 5 million RMB each enterprise and up to 10 million RMB each industry leader of the province.
The enterprises are advocated to implement technology advancement programs that “replace workers with robots”. The enterprises that purchase industrial robots should be awarded by the provincial financial authorities for 10% of the investment in facilities pertaining to the technology advancement programs, up to 2.5 million RMB each enterprise.
For the competitive enterprises building exemplary intelligent manufacturing factories (workshops), the provincial financial authorities will subsidize such enterprises for 8% of the investment in facilities, up to 10 million RMB each enterprise.
The enterprises having passed the certification of implementing the management system of integration of informationization and industrialization should receive grants from the provincial financial authorities up to 500 thousand RMB each enterprise.
The provincial key projects of integration of informationization and industrialization should each be subsidized for no more than 5% of the investment in both software and hardware related to informationization over the past three years, with a cap of 2 million RMB each project.
An undertaking of forming exemplary producer service providers will be set in motion. The certified exemplary producer service providers of the province should receive bonuses from the provincial financial authorities up to 500 thousand RMB each enterprise.
A group of consolidation programs involved in basic materials, key components, manufacturing processes, etc. and featuring internationally or domestically superior technical accomplishments should be identified through competitive selection. The subsidization should take the ex post approach. The enterprises concerned should be subsidized for 20% of the investment in the abovementioned programs, up to 5 million RMB each enterprise.
For the enterprises first honored as national and provincial exemplary quality manufacturers, the provincial financial authorities should give them nonrecurring bonuses of 800 thousand and 300 thousand RMB respectively.
The enterprises are encouraged to implement technical standardization at a strategic level. The provincial financial authorities will award those leading the efforts of making international, national and industrial standards with no more than 500 thousand, 300 thousand and 200 thousand RMB respectively, case by case.
The industrial enterprises are advocated to conduct energy conservation technology advancement by means of proprietary implementation, contractual energy management, etc. The industrial energy conservation programs capable of saving 500 tons of coal equivalent (200 tons of coal equivalent in case of contractual energy management) per annum or above should receive bonuses from the provincial financial authorities, calculated at 240 RMB per ton and up to 2 million RMB each program.
Any of the exemplary key projects in the areas of water conservation, materials conservation, comprehensive utilization of resources, recycling of renewable resources, clean production, etc. that has attracted an increment of 10 million RMB investment will receive a subsidy proportional to the performance of its energy conservation and the scale of its incremental investment, provided that the project in question is qualified for awards from the provincial financial authorities. The abovementioned subsidy should be no more than 1 million RMB.
By means of competitive fund allocation, priority support will be given to two or three provincial pilot compounds of recycling economy each year. Any of the industrial compounds having received a total investment of no less than 100 million RMB intended for recycling-biased remodeling should receive a project bonus of no more than 10 million RMB.
The state-level corporate technology centers, exemplary technology innovators, engineering research centers (engineering laboratories), engineering (technology) research centers (key laboratories) certified for the first time should each receive a bonus of 5 million RMB from the provincial financial authorities. The certified state and provincial industrial design centers will receive bonuses of 800 thousand and 500 thousand RMB respectively.