Circular of Fujian Provincial People’s Government on the Measures Concerning Steady Growth and Structural Adjustment of the Industry across the Province

Minzheng [2017] No. 13
From:Fujian Provincial People’s Government Date:2017-09-06【Font:large regular

Excerpts: From January 1 through June 30, 2017, the leading manufacturers and high growth enterprises of the province in the areas of direct power supply should receive awards calculated at 0.2 RMB per kilowatt-hour for electricity consumption from 7:00 through 8:00 and from 21:00 through 23:00. From January 1 through June 30, 2017, the leading manufacturers, high growth enterprises and qualified growth point industrial enterprises of the province in the counties outside major grids should be eligible for a daily extension of shoulder hours for electricity consumption, namely, from 21:00 through 8:00 the next day and the shortening of off-peak hours accordingly. During the periods mentioned above, the awards to enterprises should not exceed 5 million RMB each or 15 million RMB for one group’s affiliated enterprises combined. As part of the ancillary services, a peak regulation market should be established. The power users are encouraged to take part in peak shaving, with a view to reducing power cost by load shifting.     

The financial leasing companies are advocated, and the service of financial lease should be applied on a broader scale. The financial leasing companies providing financial lease service to medium, small and micro enterprises in Fujian Province will receive a certain amount of compensation for risk, which should stand at 5‰ of the yearly incremental contractual value, up to 5 million RMB each company. The enterprises are advocated to carry out technology advancement programs, including equipment replacement. Such enterprises should be subsidized by the provincial financial authorities for 5% of the investment in the technology advancement programs (including technology and software), up to 5 million RMB each enterprise. In the event that a financial lease contract expressly transfers the ownership of leased fixed assets to the leasee enterprise upon the expiration of the contract, the leasee enterprise may be considered entitled to the subsidy policy for technology advancement as if the leasee enterprise has purchased the said fixed assets, with a cap of 5 million RMB on the subsidy.
