Press Conference Held in Beijing for 21st China International Fair for Investment & Trade

From:Fujian International Investment Promotion Center Date:2021-07-23【Font:large regular

A press conference was held on July 20 in Beijing for the upcoming 21st China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT). Senior officials attending the press conference included Wang Shouwen, Vice Minister of Commerce of P.R.C and Deputy China International Trade Representative , and Guo Ningning, Vice Governor of Fujian. 

Mr. Wang Shouwen stated that, for this year’s CIFIT, the organizer will further strengthen international outreach, focusing on inviting countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” and RCEP member states, and collaborating with international organizations. 

The organizer will further enhance specialization. More specialized institutions will be drawn to stage cloud exhibitions, cloud investment matchmaking and cloud negotiation, with the aim of unleashing the empowering effect of digital technology on investment promotion.

Moreover, the organizer will further highlight branding. Greater efforts will be made to reinforce the platforms for the “promotion of two-way investment”, “dissemination of authoritative information” and “discussion of investment trends”, and more premium events will be hosted. 

Guo Ningning remarked that, for the forthcoming CIFIT, the organizer will host forums, seminars, matchmaking symposia, negotiations and investment promotions. These events will be centered on various themes, including ensuring a good start for the “14th Five-Year Plan”, jointly building the “Belt and Road” in accordance with highest quality standards, strengthening cooperation among BRICS nations, and deepening multilateral and bilateral regional cooperation.  

In addition, the organizer will strive to enhance the intelligence level of the Fair. The “Online CIFIT” will be upgraded and optimized across the board, and a digital investment interaction platform will be established to integrate information from all online sources. Moreover, a long-term mechanism will be created for information sharing, investment project matchmaking, and investment cooperation. 

With the theme of “New Opportunities for International Investment in the New Development Landscape”, the upcoming CIFIT will kick off on September 8, 2011 in Xiamen, Fujian, as scheduled. Its online and offline events are expected to attract over 800 trade delegations, 5,000 companies and 100,000 trade visitors from more than 120 countries and regions. 

During the Fair, the 2021 International Investment Forum will bring together dignitaries from China and abroad, who will deliver speeches and engage in extensive discussions on ways to further enhance investors’ confidence and promote win-win cooperation. For inward investment, the organizer will host the Joint Conference of National Investment Promotion Agencies and the 2021 China City Innovation Mayors’ Forum – Business Summit. For outward investment, the organizer will release the first Country Development Report for Chinese Enterprises, and host seminars to facilitate Chinese enterprises’ high-quality development and Taiwan-invested enterprises’ participation in the “Belt and Road”. For the strengthening of mutual promotion of two-way investment, the organizer will host the first work conference of Chinese and foreign investment promotion agencies, as well as the Piloting China – International Conference on Innovation and Development of Emerging Industries, the China-US Province-State Green Low-Carbon Cooperation Forum and Matchmaking Symposium. Provinces, cities and specialized institutions will also hold a series of investment promotion events. The World Investment Report 2021 and the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Utilization and Development of Foreign Investment will also be released during the Fair. 

The Fair will also focus on the digital economy, green low-carbon development, biotechnology and other global hot topics. Various specialized forums and exhibitions will be staged as well, including the Summit on the Development of Industries for Peak Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Carbon Neutrality, the China International Green Innovation and Development Conference, the International Industrial Internet Conference, and the International Bio-industry Conference. These events are expected to serve as high-efficiency platforms for centralized matchmaking and interactive exchange among projects, technologies, capital and funds, as well as governments, enterprises and financial institutions.

The Philippines will be the nation of honor and Qinghai Province will be the province of honor at this year’s CIFIT. 
