GDP of Fujian Increased by 12.3% Year-on-Year in the First Half of 2021

From:Fujian International Investment Promotion Center Date:2021-08-11【Font:large regular

According to the unified, calculated results of regional GDP, Fujian's GDP in the first half of 2021 was 2291.386 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.3% at comparable prices; an increase of 12.9% over the first half of 2019, and an average increase of 6.2% in two years.

Statistics show that the GDP of Fujian Province continued to recover and progress steadily in the first half of this year. The two-year average growth rate of major economic indicators steadily increased and fell within a reasonable range.

1. Agricultural production grew steadily. In the first half of this year, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery in Fujian Province was 202.779 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.8%, with an average growth rate of 4.0% in two years.

2. Industrial production continued to recover. In the first half of 2021, Fujian's industrial value-added above the designated size increased by 14.6% year-on-year, with a two-year average growth rate of 7.1%.

3. The consumer goods market continued to pick up. In the first half of 2021, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Fujian Province reached 1015.051 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.9% and an average growth rate of 5.6% over the two years.

4. The investment in fixed assets grew steadily. In the first half of this year, Fujian's fixed-asset investment increased by 13.1% year-on-year, and the two-year average growth rate was 5.9%.

5. Import and export were significantly improved. In the first half of this year, Fujian's total import and export volume amounted to 859.963 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39.1%.

6. CPI registered a moderate increase. In the first half of this year, the CPI of Fujian Province rose 0.4% year-on-year.

7. Residents continued to have a higher income. In the first half of 2021, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Fujian Province was 27,665 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.5%.

8. Fiscal revenue increased. In the first half of this year, Fujian’s general public budget revenue registered 342.999 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.1%.
