Fujian Releases the “14th Five-Year” Blueprint for High-Quality Development of the Manufacturing Sector, with a Focus on Selected Industries

From:Fujian International Investment Promotion Center Date:2021-07-15【Font:large regular

Fujian officials held press conferences on July 7 for the “14th Five-Year Plan” (as a special session for the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector). In the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, industrial development in Fujian advanced steadily, with quality and efficiency both on the rise. The average annual growth rate of industrial added value in the province reached 7.1%, 1.6 percentage points higher than the national average. The average annual growth rate of industrial investment reached 10.5%, 2.8 percentage points higher than the average annual growth rate of fixed-asset investment in the entire society. The average annual growth rate of investment in technical renovation reached 14.8%. 

Fujian officials analyzed the potential challenges to the development of the manufacturing sector during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, and put forward 20 specific goals in four metrics – industrial structure, innovation capacity, quality and efficiency, and green development. 

Focusing on the requirements for building a “Six-Four-Five” new industrial system, Fujian officials proposed development priorities and optimization paths for each industry in the manufacturing sector. These paths include: strengthening the four dominant industries with annual revenue of RMB 1 trillion – electronic information and digitalization, advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemicals, and modern textiles and garments; enhancing the traditional advantageous industries – food processing, metallurgy, building materials, and special light industry; and fostering the frontier emerging industries – new materials, new energy, new-energy vehicles, biological and new pharmaceuticals, energy conservation and environmental protection, marine high technology.

In the light of the goals and tasks for the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector and the common problems to be solved, Fujian’s specific “14th Five-Year Plan” for the manufacturing sector envisions nine crucial actions, such as innovative development, reinforcement and stabilization of supply chains, smooth circulation, upgrading of intelligent manufacturing, and green manufacturing. The plan also envisages the execution of 13 key projects for the manufacturing sector, including fostering and enhancing innovation centers, seeking breakthroughs in key and critical technological paths, enhancing fundamental industrial capacity, and implementing pilot and demonstrative programs for new-generation intelligent manufacturing.

To ensure steady progress towards the achievement of the goals and tasks, Fujian officials will strengthen the organization and coordination of implementation, intensify project promotion and execution, optimize the allocation of resources, deepen the reform of the business environment, increase financial and taxation support, and reinforce the development of human resources. Officials will spare no effort to build support and assurance systems to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector. 

Source:Fujian Daily
